Bill Baer /bɛːr/

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Bill Baer /bɛːr/
Bill Baer is a Senior Product Manager for Microsoft 365 at Microsoft in Redmond, Washington.

Bill Baer /bɛːr/


File Storage Containers are the foundation of SharePoint Embedded apps. SharePoint Embedded containers are an abstract concept, conceptually a document library containing files and folders. Only the consuming application will have knowledge of a storage container and its’ content. Containers are isoldated from other content such as SharePoint and OneDrive. SharePoint Embedded mandates a 1:1 relationship between owning application and container type. Only approved container APIs can access a container and its associated content, with the exception of certain compliance, auditing, and Entra tooling.
Content is no longer a commodity, it is currency. Data is an invaluable asset for businesses. In 2006, Clive Humby - a British mathematician - coined the phrase “data is the new oil” about the availability of both resources: neither oil nor data is valuable in its raw state; rather, value is derived when it is gathered rapidly, completely, accurately and is connected to other relevant data - and this holds true 17 years later, content is the lifeblood of your organization.
What’s SharePoint Embedded? SharePoint Embedded is a headless platform that you can use to build and manage content-centric applications using the rich platform services of Microsoft 365. SharePoint Embedded lets you build apps and services integrating the advanced security and compliance features of Microsoft 365 (such as sensitivity, eDiscovery, retention, etc). Think of SharePoint Embedded as a container built on the Graph API that you can extend to your own apps.
SharePoint Premium is the next evolution of Microsoft Syntex with an emphasis on advanced content management in Microsoft 365. Read the announcement at SharePoint Premium enriches, organizes, and secures content to improve Copilot experiences through services like document tagging to extract metadata from images and documents, manage and secure SharePoint sites and libraries, and protect and archive information across Microsoft 365, and more. To help you get started with pay-as-you-services as part of SharePoint Premium, a new promotional offer will be available on January 1st, 2024 that provides monthly free capacity for select SharePoint Premium services including:
Taxonomy Tagging What is it? Taxonomy Tagging is one of the earlier content tagging features of SharePoint Syntex (alongside image tagging), later becoming Microsoft Syntex when it transitioned to the PAYG billing model and allows you to automatically tag documents in SharePoint libraries with terms configured in the term store. Terms are stored in a managed metadata column (also known as a taxonomy column) on the item, making the documents easier to search, sort, filter, and manage.
Every day, we use Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive to exchange important and/or sensitive information which can include financial reports and data, contracts, product information, sales reports and projections, competitive analysis, patent information, customer and employee information, etc. It’s easy to see that content is the lifeblood of an organization. BYOD (bring your own device) and remote work mean people can access their e-mail, chats, and files from just about anywhere, on any device, transforming these devices into repositories of information - and frequently it’s sensitive information that can be easily shared within and in some cases, outside of the organization.

What's new in Microsoft Syntex

New in Microsoft Syntex Changes to the SharePoint Syntex (per user license) On July 1st, 2023 the SharePoint Syntex license will be retired and shift to a pay-as-you-go model with Microsoft Syntex. Microsoft Syntex is the evolution of SharePoint Syntex, which takes many of the best capabilities from SharePoint Syntex, introduces new capabilties, and puts them into a single pay-as-you-go model. PAYG is a new way to pay for Microsoft Syntex using an Azure subscription which allows you to get started without a license commmitment or upfront pricing which provides more value and greater flexibility.

File Request with Sharepoint

External File Request is now available in Microsoft 365 for SharePoint document libraries, while OneDrive has provided this capability for a few years (see, this expansion now supports an easy and secure means to request files from anywhere, to include where there is not a Microsoft 365 entitlement (I.e. individuals who are not licensed for Microsoft 365). What’s a File Request? File requests can orignate by a variety of means, for example, file requests can originate through a workflow tied to a business process or a simple hyperlink.
About SharePoint Advanced Management Microsoft Syntex - SharePoint Advanced Management is a Microsoft 365 add-on that provides a suite of features that help: Manage and govern SharePoint and OneDrive Enhance Microsoft 365 secure collaboration capabilities Comparing compliance options in Microsoft 365 SharePoint Advanced Management and Microsoft 365 compliance capabilities both provide comprehensive compliance and data governance solutions to help manage risk, protect and govern sensitive data, and respond to regulatory requirements; however, differ in scope and intended audience.
Static sites are fast, we all generally agree to that, but they could be faster… One way we can achieve this is through a good service worker led caching strategy, for example, pre-fetching resources that the user is likely to need in the near future, such as the next few pictures in a photo album. In this post we’ll walk through how to build out a basic service worker for a Hugo website (which is largely similar to the use of service workers in any other context).
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